January 12, 2009

NPYD Wants Cell Phone Control

According to Wired Magazine, "The New York Police Department wants to be able to shut down cell phones, in case of a terrorist attack."

This desire was voiced during testimony on January 8 before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs by New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.

"For now, Kelly said, the NYPD is taking a whole range of measures to stop another Mumbai-style spree -- from working with private businesses to interdicting boats to training recruits in heavy weapons to installing a spycam network across downtown Manhattan."

Concerned about your civil liberties? You might think twice after seeing the movie LOOK, which features the results of surveillance cameras in retail store dressing rooms (people steal stuff using dressing rooms you know). Review and revealing photo.

Psssst... Do Something


WIRED Magazine, NYPD Wants to Jam Cell Phones During Terror Attack, January 8, 2009.

Digg: As of January 11, 2009, this Digg post for the Wired article had 1615 "votes" on Digg.
