First, I confess to knowing very little about Iceland, except that it's the "green" place, whereas, Greenland is the white, icy place. OK, I also know that President Reagan had nuclear weapons negotiations with the USSR in Reykjavik.
Well... I also know that it has lots of geothermal activity. I could see steam rising from the foothills and mountains as we flew out of the airport.

For those who revel in wide open spaces, Iceland seems to have much to offer. This picture of a farm in Laxa Valley gives some perspective to that.

Of course, the thermal spas, blue lagoon being the most famous, have an allure, which had me hoping we would have a longer stop-over on our way to Amsterdam. Maybe next time.

I know these photos don't do it justice. And surely there are many more things about the history and culture that deserve mention, but alas, I have my Human Tennis Ball project awaiting me. Perhaps the visitors from Keykjavik can add a comment and some links that will help us better appreciate Iceland.
With that, I'll leave you with a sketch of the two funny guys who hope to have their fifteen minutes of fame some day. Tball hast to go lay down some video for a Nerdfighter Power Project for Awesome.

Earth and the Human Tennis Ball
Happy New Year 2008

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