March 31, 2011

GDAE Podcast - Episode 44

Journalism & Democracy in Crisis

  • Econ 101: The notion that giving the wealthy class, or owner class, tax cuts to spur jobs and economic growth is a widely held belief in our society... What's the real story today?

  • Feature on the Broken Corporate Media: Communications Professor Robert McChesney on Journalism and Democracy in Crisis

Play Episode 44:

Click to Download Episode 44.


March 28, 2011

Turn Over the Hourglass

On May 6, 1935, Pres. Roosevelt signed executive order 7034 creating the largest public works program in history. The Works Progress Administration created 8.5 million jobs during the Depression of the 1930s.

The problem we face today is lack of demand for products and services because all the money has trickled up an little is left for lower and middle classes. It's like an hour glass with all of the sand stuck in one end (among the top wealth bracket).

For the betterment of society we need to turn the hourglass over so that money flows to the people so the people will provide the demand that will generate supply defining economic activity, and lets do it in ecologically sustainable way.


San Jose, CA Board of Ed Stands with WI Unions

Jan Jose, CA Board of Education approves resolution in support of Wisconsin public workers - MORE

Paste into Twitter:


March 24, 2011

Purpose of the Economy

The field of economics is rife with bias due to powerful selfish interests that influence this social science.

Science or art or what? Henry Hazlitt, in 1946, suggested that "The whole of economics can be reduced to a single lesson, and that lesson can be reduced to a single sentence:"

The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.

I'm not sure this encapsulates the whole of economics, but it does define what the economy should provide for society. That is, it should operate for the broader benefit of society and not merely for the minority establishment. This is the purpose of the economy and this principle should underlie the study of economics.


March 22, 2011

The Masses Know their Place

From an elitist writing on "The Revolt of the Masses." He separates the elite from the masses.

There exist, then, in society, operations, activities, and functions of the most diverse order, which are of their very nature special, and which consequently cannot be properly carried out without special gifts. For example: certain pleasures of an artistic and refined character, or again the functions of government and of political judgment in public affairs.

Previously these special activities were exercised by qualified minorities, or at least by those who claimed such qualification. The mass asserted no right to intervene in them; they realised that if they wished to intervene they would necessarily have to acquire those special qualities and cease being mere mass. They recognized their place in a healthy social system.


The Revolt of the Masses, Jose Ortega Y Gasset, original 1930, translation from Spanish, 1932. W.W. Norton & Co.


March 21, 2011

US Economy in the Pocket of 1/100th of 1 Percent

This graphic is jaw-dropping. The yellow ball, representing the wealth of one one-hundredth of one percent (0.01%), doesn't even fit into the graphic. Whereas the bottom 90% of Americans is the tiny blue ball.

How Rich are the Superrich?

The top 400 of America's richest aristocrats hoard as much wealth as the bottom 155,000,000 people. - Michael Moore at a Madison, WI rally, March 5, 2011.


Mother Jones, It's the Inequality Stupid, March/April, 2011.


March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

In St. Patrick's honor, lets get rid of some of our own snakes in the corporatocracy.


March 13, 2011

GDAE Podcast - Episode 43

We Are Wisconsin

  • Security Industrial Complex: A concern of both conservatives and progressives. Coleen Rowley, former FBI agent discusses the glut of information being collected and the needle-in-a-haystack syndrome.

  • Has the Sleeping Giant Awoken? Michael Moore Madison, WI speech, 3/5/11.


March 9, 2011

Remove Thomas from the Bench: Step 4

Impeach Clarence Thomas

4th Step: Watch the newspapers for an article about Clarence Thomas or the Supreme Court. When you see one, write a letter to the editor, responding to the letter by title and date. Include a call for the US House of Representatives to investigation of Clarence Thomas. You might also mention the complaint filed with the Missouri Bar where Thomas is licensed (If you haven't, contact the MO Bar, See Below) .

If you want a chance for your letter to be published, most newspapers ask that you include your phone number so they can to verify you wrote the letter.

Some grist: Article III, Section 1 of the US Constitution says,

"The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior"

Which means judges can be removed for bad behavior. Clarence Thomas' bad behavior diminishes the credibility of our highest court, which contaminates the lower courts and erodes the public belief in the fairness of our society. This can lead to vigilante justice, which civil societies naturally strive to avoid. There in lies the rational; Clarence Thomas is a destabilizing force in our society hence it is in the national interest to ask Clarence Thomas to step down or be removed.

For Your Convenience:More:

Some of the issues regarding Clarence Thomas: Throw Clarence Thomas Off the Bench

Step 4.5, Tweet links to the Four Steps to Take Action:

See Step 1 - Contact the Missouri Bar Assn in support of the complaint against Thomas
See Step2 - Contact the media asking them follow up on the Missouri Bar complaint
See Step 3 - Contact your representative in the US House to request and investigation


Go Johnny Saunders (Video)


March 8, 2011

Why all the Economics Fallacies?

An insight published in 1946 that holds true today:

Economics is haunted by more fallacies than any other study known to man. This is no accident. The inherent difficulties of the subject would be great enough in any case, but they are multiplied a thousandfold by a factor that is insignificant in say, physics, mathematics or medicine -- the special pleading of selfish interests.

Source: Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt


March 6, 2011

Send Clarence Thomas Packing: Step 3

Impeach Clarence Thomas

3rd Step: Contact US House of Representatives, the people's house. Ask for an investigation of Clarence Thomas. It won't happen soon, but it's our obligation to raise the issue (the right wing always does!).

Some of the issues regarding Clarence Thomas: Throw Clarence Thomas Off the Bench

My Message to Congress:

A complaint has been filed with the Missouri Bar Association to investigate Judge Clarence Thomas for allegations regarding his taxes. Given other widely publicized partisan activities by Mr. Thomas, the association is being asked to measure the weight of broader evidence relative to rules of conduct for a lawyer.

I would like Congress to consider it's own investigation. Please add me to an interest e-mail list for people following your future investigations into this matter.

The Missouri Bar contact information follows:
ph: 537 635 4281
fax: 573 635 2811

For Your Convenience:
Step 3.5, Twitter links to the Three Steps of Action:

See Step 1
See Step2


Go Johnny Saunders


March 5, 2011

Remove Clarence Thomas from Supreme Court: Step 2

Impeach Clarence Thomas

2nd Step: Contact Media outlets. Ask them to follow the Missouri Bar Association's investigation of Clarence Thomas.

Some of the issues regarding Clarence Thomas: Throw Clarence Thomas Off the Bench

My Message to Media Outlets:

A complaint has been filed with the Missouri Bar Association to investigate Judge Clarence Thomas for allegations regarding his taxes. Given other widely publicized partisan activities by Mr. Thomas, the association is being asked to measure the weight of broader evidence relative to rules of conduct for a lawyer.

I would like your organization to follow this news story. Please add me to an interest e-mail list for people following your future investigations into this matter.

The Missouri Bar contact information follows:
ph: 537 635 4281
fax: 573 635 2811

For Your Convenience:Step 2.5, Twitter this link of the story linked above:

See Step 1


Go Johnny Saunders


March 4, 2011

Ousting Clarence Thomas: Step 1

Impeach Clarence Thomas

1st Step: Contact Missouri Bar Association.

Support a complaint that has been filed with the MO Bar mentioned in this piece: Throw Clarence Thomas Off the Bench
ph: 537 635 4281
fax: 573 635 2811

Step 1.5, Twitter this link:

My Message:

I support the complaint filed with your association to investigation of Judge Clarence Thomas for allegations regarding his taxes. Given other widely publicized partisan activities by Mr. Thomas, the association has a solemn responsibility to relax the boundaries of its investigations. The Missouri bar must measure the weight of the broader evidence relative to rules of conduct for a lawyer, rules that should be more closely scrutinized for an exemplary member of society like a supreme court justice.

Thank you for considering this matter. I would like to be added to an interest e-mail list for people interested in following your future decisions and actions on this matter.


I received the following Reply from the Missouri Bar Assn:

"You need to contact the Commission of Retirement, Removal & Discipline of Judges, here is that telephone number 314-966-1007."

Not sure they can remove this judge!