Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said on Saturday his plan to end the Iraq war was unchanged and he was puzzled by the sharp reaction to his statement this week that he might "refine" his timetable for withdrawing U.S. combat troops.
With the insight of many who have been deflated by the empty words of Democrat candidates, LibHom continues:
Of course, if you have followed past Democratic betrayals, you know that "refine" almost always means "capitulate" when it is uttered by most centrist and conservative Democrats.
Where does that leave us? With advice from LibHom:
Maybe Obama's prior comments were a trial balloon. If so, we need to fight like heck to pop it.
Contact Obama: Let him know there is a large constituency holding his feet to the fire Obama Comment Form Click Here.

Thanks for catching onto the next logical step and running with it.
Worried, I've even thought of working on the Obama campaign with the intent of getting to know the other Obamaites. Building such personal relationships could go a long way toward pushing Obama after the election, assuming he prevails.
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